Wednesday, November 14, 2012

SLW Short

Two weeks ago I noted in a post that the ETF, SIL, put in a year high volume bar and that many of the components were setting up nicely and worth keeping on the radar. Originally I had a bullish bias, somewhat reinforced by coming across a number of related mentions elsewhere. One of the immediate thoughts I had afterward was that perhaps I was too optimistic in my view and reminded myself about the standard market wisdom of “Beware of the obvious trade.” This trade was clearly becoming too obvious to too many so I started to temper my enthusiasm quickly.

Of the four charts I listed the first ding happened a week later when CDE gapped down.

Two days later the second chart got dinged as PAAS gapped down as well.


This brought to mind two other market concepts of the cockroach effect and the cousin stock theory.. If these two were taking hits than there was a good probability the other two I had listed, SLW and AG, would be next. So yesterday I took another look at the SIL chart and noted the high tail and close near the lows which  increased my conviction that there was a high probability shorting opportunity to the two components that had held up thus far.


Armed with this information I felt confident that under the current market conditions and with the prior weakness of the CDE and PAAS that if either AG or SLW gave me a short entry signal I would take it today.  Both did trigger but I prioritized by which had confirmed range expansion first and SLW established a wide range seven bar shortly after the first hour of the trading day so I took this trade.


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